Trip Statistics

This option allows you to analyze additional information besides the main data provided in the O/D Analysis output. You will be able to view these results in the Flows Explorer section.

Additionally to the default O/D Analysis results of trip values between regions, the "Trip statistics" feature provides histograms of:

  • Distribution – shows the number of vehicles that travelled in a specific direction defined by you based on the regions in your analysis.
Trip distribution histogram based on the defined regions.
  • Hour of day – shows the number of vehicles that started the trip at the specific hour.
Histogram showing the hour of the day at which the trips started. The values are based on your time ranges defined in the analysis.
  • Length – shows the number of vehicles that travelled the specific distance in kilometers based on the regions you defined in your analysis.
Histogram showing how far the vehicles travelled based on your O/D region settings.
  • Duration – shows the number of vehicle trips that lasted for a specific time (in minutes) based on how you defined the regions in your analysis.
Histogram showing how long the trips lasted in minutes based on your O/D region settings.

Additional Trip Statistics histogram customization:

Each histogram you see in the Flows Explorer can be expanded to make it clearer to review the results. To do that you simply need to click the expand arrows in the upper right corner.

Histogram expand button.
Expanded, full size histograms of Trip Statistics.

It is also possible to customize the way you see nearly all histograms based on two different options - step and the number of steps.

Time step (hours) in the "Hour of day" tab allows you to divide the data into different value ranges, for example, into 3-hour bins. This will show you how many trips started their journey between 8:00 AM and 11:00 AM, between 11:00 AM and 2:00 PM and, so on.

Time step (hours) configuration.

Length step (km) in the "Length" tab allows you to divide the histogram bins based on the distance ranges the vehicles travelled between your defined regions.

For example, a 7-8 bin contains information about all the trips that travelled from 7 km to 8 km while travelling from origin to destination.

Length step configuration.

Duration step (min) in the "Duration" tab allows you to change the duration range (in minutes) for each bin based on how long the vehicles were travelling between your defined regions.

For example, 20-40 bin will show you a number of trips that had a duration from 20 minutes to 40 minutes while travelling from origin to destination.

Duration step configuration.

Number of steps simply allows you to define how many bins you want to display in the histogram.

Number of steps configuration.

Downloading Trip Statistics results:

It is possible to extract the trip statistics histograms in a .CSV file format. That will generate a list of all the relations between regions in form of raw data.

To do that, you simply click the download button and choose one of the two options.

The first option will generate a list based on your current region settings in the Flows Explorer, just the way you see the histogram at the current moment in the O/D tool.

The second option will provide you with a list of all the relations between all your regions in your analysis (with certain limitations in the case of a large number of regions).

An example of a downloaded Trip Statistics results.