Overall Route Information

Once a route is created, Route Monitoring returns the following values for the whole route length:

Whole Route Values

· Travel Time: the duration of traversing the whole route;

· Typical Travel Time: typical travel time for the whole route at a given time based on TomTom Speed Profiles data (calculated per each 5-minute time bin). In case it is not available, the missing bits are replaced with the current travel time when possible. If we can't access real-time data, we rely on the average historical travel time instead.

· Delay: the real-time delay in comparison to the free flow travel time;

· Delay Percentage: the real-time delay given in percentage;

· Route length: the length of the route;

· Flow Coverage: the coverage percentage of real-time data for the route in relation to historical data;

· Average Data Confidence: confidence level (volume and quality) of the real-time data;