Trip Definition
Our algorithms analyze the probe traces from each device to identify the patterns of regular trips within any area. Probe traces are sequences of probe points originating from the same device, which collectively define a trip.
Our O/D Analysis product connects these probe points, also known as "GPS pings", into a single line, representing a vehicle trip with distinct start and end points. The GPS pings for each trip come from the same anonymous device ID, ensuring that we are analyzing a unique journey.
These trips are derived from completely anonymized data, guaranteeing a high level of security. This approach protects individual devices from being linked to specific drivers. Origins and destinations are always represented by polygons, ensuring that they cannot be associated with specific residences or business buildings.
Based on the region definitions specified by users, TomTom O/D Analysis assigns origins and destinations according to where each trip was first and last observed during its journey.
Map Matching
O/D Analysis also supports map matching which is a process that "snaps" GPS positions to the road network. Applying map matching to a trip removes inaccuracies that come from GPS low precision or small gaps in signal.
- The map matching option is enabled if the convex hull area of regions in the analysis is below 3000 km² - its presence is indicated by being able to select the map version while defining the zones:
- The map matching option is disabled in case the convex hull area of all the regions in the analysis is bigger than 3000 km², as this process heavily affects the calculations power required to map match all the traces on such a big scale.
The lack of this option is indicated by not being able to select the map version while defining the zones, with proper information visible under the "?" symbol:
Map matching has a great impact on the results quality. To determine flows between regions the tool is analyzing trips in the area. Let's look at the example how map matching can be beneficial for calculating results and how some of the trips would look like if there was no map matching in the tool.
In the example above, on the left we can see a trip with original GPS positions and on the right the trip was map matched to road network. In this case, without map matching the tool would observe that the trip went through the Region A but not through the Region B because of the gap in the signal which produces counterintuitive results.
With option "Trim to defined regions" enabled such trip would be counted as an Internal trip of Region A — meaning the trip was first and last seen in this region.
After map matching the trip is "snapped" to the road network and produces the results we would expect — the trip goes through Region A and Region B.
NOTE! Keep in mind that due to privacy precautions the true starts and ends of a trip are trimmed, so for example, if a vehicle ended its journey at a specific household address, it will not be possible to pinpoint that trip to a specific person living in that area.