General questions about reports and how they are processed.
  • How long does it take to calculate the report?

    This process depends on the amount of data you analyze and the application you use. Calculating smaller reports with short date ranges and medium-sized regions usually takes up to 15 minutes.
  • If there is a small number of probes available is it possible to reject the report? How it impacts the usage limits?

    It is possible to reject a calculated report if the probe sample summary is insufficient for your project.

    In Traffic Stats you decide if you want to accept the report manually or automatically based on your defined threshold of probes.

    In O/D Analysis you always see a summary before accepting the report.

    Rejecting a report does not affect your usage limits.
  • In which data formats is the data available?

    It is possible to export the data in the following file formats:

    Traffic Stats Route Analysis: Zip GeoJson, Json, ZIP Shapefile, and XLSX.

    Traffic Stats Area Analysis: GeoJson, Json, and ZIP.

    O/D Analysis: XLS and CSV.


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General questions about reports and how they are processed.

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