Product Description
Dashboard & Interface
Selecting Date & Time Ranges

There are three information types while defining the date range and time period:

1. Date range: where you select a calendar range where 1 day is the minimum and 1 year is maximum. The whole date range of your selection will be used in the analysis calculations. It is possible to select up to 4 date ranges in one analysis.

You are able to calculate your analyses on the data from the last two years, which is a moving time window.

Selecting a date range from the calendar.

Note! Synchronizing and saving all the new data we use in our tool takes up to 1 days, therefore, it is not possible to use the last day (today) in the analysis date range to make sure the results contain complete source of data.

2. Days of the week: where you can select specific days of the week that will be considered in the analysis calculations. It is required to select at least 1 day of the week.

An option to exclude specific days of the week from your analysis.

3. Time range: where you can select a specific time window that will be used in the analysis calculations. The minimum time frame is 1 hour while the maximum is 24 hours. It is possible to select up to 24 time ranges in one analysis.

Selecting a time range from the hour picker.

The time range menu also allows you to select time zone and a time condition which means that trips can either start & end in a specific time range, start only in a specific time range, or have any common parts with your time range regardless of its start and end time.

Additional time condition parameters.

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