Product Description
Dashboard & Interface
Sankey Diagram

If the analysis was calculated properly and accepted on the user’s end, opening it from your “My Reports” list will load a results page.

Analysis results page.

TomTom O/D Analysis offers 5 different methods you can use to review the results. In this chapter we will focus on the third one - Sankey Diagram.

3. Sankey Diagram

This option shows you the number of connections between different regions in the form of colored lines.

Sankey Diagram representation of the analysis results.

By default, the results show you only 4 regions with the highest number of trips measured. In order to add additional regions, you can use the Search window on the left side.

The possibility of adding more regions into Sankey Diagram results page.

The time and the date ranges can be changed on the left side:

Date range & time range selector menu.

There is also a possibility to select VIA regions, so you will see the number of connections between different regions that travelled through the region selected as VIA.

Sankey diagram "VIA REGION" selector.

The example is shown on the screenshot below:

Sankey diagram results visualization with a "VIA REGION" selected.

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