Product Description
Dashboard & Interface
Adding Regions

Area Definition

There are two main methods of defining regions of your analysis:

1. "Upload file" option. This feature allows you to import regions using one of the supported file formats:

  • .GeoJSON
  • .TopoJSON
  • .SHP (all files should be provided in a single zip archive)
  • .KML
  • .KMZ
Results of importing a shapefile file containing San Francisco regions.

2. The second method is using the Draw regions option, which uses the following tools:

  • Circle: this tool allows you to draw circular areas by selecting the center and then increasing the radius.
  • Rectangle: this tool allows you to draw rectangular areas.
  • Polygon: this tool allows you to draw polygonal areas.
  • Shape painter: this tool allows you to draw custom shapes that will be converted into areas.
  • Grid: this tool allows you to create a grid of connected squared or hexagonal areas with a customizable cell side length from 0.50km to 10km.
  • Administrative Area: this tool allows you to select the administrative areas (e.g. neighborhoods, districts, or cities) available in the TomTom map.
Circle drawing tool.
Rectangle drawing tool.
Polygon drawing tool.
Shape painter drawing tool.
Grid drawing tool.
Administrative Area selection.

In addition to the individual methods described previously, you can combine these region types. For example, you can import pre-defined shapefiles or geoJSON files and draw custom shapes at the same time.

All the drawing tools combined and used in the same report.

The total region area (per analysis) is a maximum of 3000 km2 while the maximum number of regions (per analysis) is 200.

O/D Analysis limits for a single report.

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